We focus our efforts on offering readers and visitors to our site objective, trustworthy, and accurate health information concerning STDs in general such as herpes, chlamydia and yeast. The causes, the treatments and the symptoms are also provided in this site to give readers and visitors further comprehension about STDs.

Our editorial philosophy is to use relevant and accurate content to be the ultimate resources for herpes, chlamydia and yeast and facilitate disease prevention and treatments. We provide content which is clinically significant and has been medically reviewed to facilitate those who are seeking answers to their STDs questions. All original content is produced by highly skilled writers or experienced STDs professionals who are adept at researching a variety of topics and delivering concise, accurate, and engaging information in an easy-to-understand format.  When applicable, articles are reviewed by a professional—a doctor, nurse, and other STDs specialist.—to ensure the information is accurate. All articles are then reviewed and edited by a member of the STDzip Editorial Team before publication.

The information presented on STDzip.com is not in any way meant to replace the doctor-patient relationship or the professional STDs experience. Our goal is to educate and empower our readers and visitors with relevant and responsible information in order to foster better communication between doctors and patients. We always encourage our readers to consult their doctors before acting on any information seen on STDzip or any other STDs website.

STDzip provides content based upon the following criteria:


Problems that could affect how you manage your own STDs and that of your family’s. Topics include coverage of breaking STDs in general such as herpes, chlamydia and yeast; advisories and expert commentary on managing the diseases and conditions and staying healthy.

Editorial Integrity

STDzip’s responsibility is to make a clear distinction between news and other information, so that individuals can readily distinguish independent editorial information from paid, promotional information and other non-news content.

Original Article Process

A board-certified physician reviews every original article that contains medical information for accuracy, appropriateness of medical language, and proper characterization of the findings. An editor then edits the article for style, flow, punctuation, and readability. Finally, the story moves from editing to publishing, where it is converted to HTML and published to the site.You have to login to access your mail.