
How Does Oral Herpes Transmission Occur?

How Does Oral Herpes Transmission Occur?

For general knowledge, oral herpes is an infection on lips, mouth, and also gums which is caused by a virus named Herpes Simplex Virus type 1 (HSV-1). The virus causes you painful blisters, and it is also typically named fever blisters or cold sores. The questions are arising over what is happening if the virus could transmit from one sufferer[Read More…]

Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) 1 and 2

Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) 1 and 2

Herpes is practically a household word. From TV to movies to the internet, herpes is all around us. For some reason, herpes is the STD of choice for ridiculing and humiliating just about anyone. Sadly, the prevalence of herpes in our society doesn’t mean that we’re equally informed and educated on the true nature of this particular STD. There’s a[Read More…]

Genital Herpes

Genital Herpes

Genital herpes is a monster of an STI. It’s highly contagious, latex condoms can’t do much in terms of providing protection, the outbreaks are extremely painful and socially debilitating, plus the virus is believed to be ‘unevictable.’ Meaning it’ll stay with you for life and cannot be evicted. Moreover, its effect on the human psyche are no less severe (if[Read More…]

Love and Herpes

Love and Herpes

When a person is newly diagnosed of herpes, they can become overwhelmed with misleading information. There are plenty of misinformation about herpes circulating through the media and the internet. In addition, we also have our own misconceptions that affect how we feel about living with herpes. But did you know that most of these terrible things we tell ourselves are[Read More…]

Symptoms of Herpes

Symptoms of Herpes

As much as you dread entertaining the thought of the possibility of having contracted herpes, understanding the symptoms of herpes can lead to an early detection and subsequently, a treatment suitable for your specific type of herpes. You can also avoid infecting other people with this disease by taking the necessary precautions, but you can only do this if you’re[Read More…]